Thursday, February 24, 2011

Smartphone Technology

I own a smartphone, and I know from experience that once you have one you won't want anything different.  When my teacher said that the topic for this week's blog post was smartphone technology, I got pretty excited.  Who wouldn't like to know a little more about the smart-phone's technology? But what I thought people would like to know better is.. How is a smartphone's technology different from any other phone?
I began my research the usual way.
I went to and typed in the search bar "smartphone technology vs. any other phone"

Although I thought this search would be a little more successful, it gave me many results on different smartphone's vs. specific others and several other useless links.

Lets revise our search to "cutting edge technology in smartphones"

This gave a bit better results.

I put this link in a tab first

Which wasn't what I was looking for, so I moved on with my search.

The next link I click on wasn't any better, and gave even less information.

So I decided to revise my search once again.  This time I searched "how are smartphones different from other phones"

AND about 4 links down I find a promising result.

In a nutshell, a smartphone is a device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds in features that you might find on a personal digital assistant or a computer.
Now that you know better what a smartphone is, how did it evolve to what it is?

In the beginning, there were cell phones and personal digital assistants (or PDAs). Cell phones were used for making calls--and not much else--while PDAs, like the Palm Pilot, were used as personal, portable organizers. A PDA could store your contact info and a to-do list, and could sync with your computer. Eventually, PDAs gained wireless connectivity and were able to send and receive e-mail. Cell phones, meanwhile, gained messaging capabilities, too. PDAs then added cellular phone features, while cell phones added more PDA-like (and even computer-like) features. The result was the smartphone.
A smartphone has an operating system similar to that on your computer, it holds software and has web access, and is still able to do messaging to and from different phones and through email.  So to sum it up, when you get a smartphone it isn't just a cell phone, it is a mini laptop that can be used to help you be more productive in slim, compact way

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How are wikileaks different from general news we hear every day?

The question for my research today is going to be about wikileaks.  But before I begin, I need to find out what wikileaks are?

Using google's search engine, I searched "wikileaks"
With 84,500,000 results found.

After skipping the ad links, I click on the first result

and this site was confirmed by wikipedia's link

To begin my research I find that
WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organization that publishes submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources and news leaks
But what I want to know is... How are wikileaks different from general news we hear every day?

I looked over the main website for wikileaks, which I posted above, but I found all of my information to answer my question today on the wikipedia link

WikiLeaks is not affiliated with Wikipedia or the Wikimedia FoundationIts website, launched in 2006 under The Sunshine Press[5] organisation,[6] claimed a database of more than 1.2 million documents within a year of its launch. 
In April 2010, WikiLeaks posted video from a 2007 incident in which Iraqi civilians and journalists were killed by US forces, on a website called Collateral Murder. In July of the same year, WikiLeaks releasedAfghan War Diary, a compilation of more than 76,900 documents about the War in Afghanistan not previously available for public review.[10] In October 2010, the group released a package of almost 400,000 documents called the Iraq War Logs in coordination with major commercial media organisations. This allowed every death in Iraq, and across the border in Iran, to be mapped.[11] In November 2010, WikiLeaks began releasing U.S. State department diplomatic cables.
Although wikileaks has received praise as well as criticism, it has won several awards and in 2010, the New York City Daily News listed WikiLeaks first among websites "that could totally change the news" 

Wikileaks isn't afraid to show the public the truth of certain events.  They find news links to inform us of what is truly going on in the world instead of "buttering it up" like the general news seems to do.  U.S. government officials have criticized Wikileaks saying that they expose classified information and they claim that the links could potentially harm society.  They use mirror sites to hold their databases.  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What encouraged American Idol to pick their new judges?

2011 is Season 10 of American Idol.  A long running.

I have never been a huge fan, but I enjoy watching it.  This season in particular has been very entertaining.  But my question was what encouraged them to pick the judges they did.

I believe they were amazing choices, but to fulfill my curiosity I will research this question.

In the google search bar I typed in "American Idol new judges"

This brought up 2,480,000 results....

But not many that looked to answer my question.

so I revised my search to "why 2011 american idol judges were chosen"

wikipedia told me all about American Idol :

but it didn't answer my questio.

Then I found this link.

Apparently, these stars "chose" themselves to be apart of the show. 

That's good enough for me. 
Who wouldn't want them as judges?  They would have more experience than anyone with what the American Idol would be doing after winning the show

What happened in Egypt that led to the protests?

First, I had to find out what exactly the Egypt Protests were, so that I could come up with a question to research about it.

After clicking on the below link, I decided I'll be researching "What happened in Egypt that led to the protests in 2011?"

The demonstrations and riots, part of the 2010–2011 Arab world protests, started in the weeks after similar events in Tunisia, with many protesters carrying Tunisian flags as a symbol of their influence.[16] Grievances for Egyptian protesters have focused on legal and political issues[17] including police brutality,[11] state of emergency laws,[11] lack of free elections and free speech,[18] and corruption,[18] as well as economic issues including high unemployment,[19] food price inflation,[19] and low minimum wages
This Egyptian Revolution of 2011 included a series of marches, rallies, acts of civil disobedience, riots, labor strikes and violent clashes.  They began on Jan. 25th of this year.

I found a little bit of Quantitative information that I thought I would share as well.
As of 29 January, at least 105 deaths had been reported, and those injured number 750 policemen and 1,500 protesters

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Whatever happened to Shirley Temple?

While watching television a commercial comes on about Shirley Temple.  They show all those cute clips of Shirley as a child star.  And I have yet to see anything else of her.  So as I wondered what happened to Shirley Temple, I made my decision to do my research on just that.

Choosing my favorite search engine once again.. I typed in the google search bar, "Whatever happened to Shirley Temple?"

My very first search result is verbatim from 

And wouldn't you know it, this link gave me all the information I needed to answer my question.

As Shirley Temple grew older her films became less successful so she was happy to go to high school and live a normal life.
In 1945, Shirley married actor John Agar, and they had a daughter in 1948. She continued to make films sporadically, but in 1949, she retired from the big screen at the age of 21. In the same year, Shirley and John Agar divorced. In 1950, she met entrepreneur Charles Alden Black, and they later married and had two children in the early 1950s.
And this site also gave a list of her adult accomplishments:
  • From 1958-1961, she hosted children's TV shows and appeared in TV movies for children.
  • In 1969, she was a United States Delegate to the United Nations.
  • In 1972, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She eventually went public with the disease to encourage breast cancer screening for women.
  • From 1974-1976, she was the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana.
  • In 1976, she became the first female U.S. Chief of Protocol.
  • From 1989-1993, she was the U.S. Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, which became the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic during her term.
  • In 1998, she received a lifetime achievement medal at the Kennedy Center Honors.
I admire her.

This former child star is now in her 70's and lives with her husband in California.  She is also involved in various world policy organizations. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Murray State University's History

While I was thinking about what I would like to know about Murray State's history, I ran across a lot of thoughts. 
What do I already know about Murray State?  
Not much really... so I could possibly just look up "everything" there is to know.  But that could get pretty lengthy, and most likely boring. 
Then I thought, well who founded Murray State?  Cause I don't know the answer to that.
But most likely many students already do, and that's a bit too general and I'm assuming most students will actually choose that.  
So then I decided that I AM a Business Major, and Murray State apparently has a whole "College of Business" area, so my question today is:

When did Murray State begin their Business Department? 

The first thing I did was search in google.... Murray State's College of Business 
This got me a great amount of results.  I skipped the paid advertising link and clicked the very first link from murray states website.

This link was great, it gave me a nice introductory to the College of Business at Murray State and a link to all the departments available in this College.  BUT it didn't answer my question.  not even close

Moving on.... down a couple links I find one called Murray State University> About College of Business.
That sounded like it may have what I'm looking for, so I clicked on it. 

While this gave some good things to know, once again I was still left with no answer. 
So... I decided to revise my search.

This is what I searched:  "When did Murray State include College of Business"
AND by some luck of the draw, my first result is a WINNER!

Wow, this link gave me pretty much everything I need to know about Murray State's College of Business.
The College of Business and Public Affairs was founded in 1966 and is located on the main campus, in its own building. Courses also are offered at Paducah, Hopkinsville, Madisonville, and Henderson (MBA).
This surprised me.  In my thought process I didn't think that the College of Business had been around for over 40 years But it makes sense because it was around then that computers and technology became popular.
This link also gave me great information on the College of Business Academics and what is involved in getting my MBA.

So all in all this was a successful and pretty quick search process.